United Nations: Israel announces UNESCO exit until end 2018

for 34; systematic attacks 34; and 34; try to separate the Jewish history from the Land of Israel 34; Israel will leave UNESCO. Thus Israel follows the USA.

United Nations: Israel announces UNESCO exit until end 2018

Israelhat officially made its exit from UN Cultural organization UNESCO until end of 2018. A Foreign Office spokesman established decision with "SystematischenAngriffen" on Jewish state and "try to separate Jewish history vomLand Israel".

DasAustrittsschreiben will be submitted before end of year, he says. Israel will leave organization by end of 2018.

DieUSA had also already announced, by reference to similar reasons, to withdraw sichbis from UNESCO at this time. Israel has been accusing Langemüber of an antiisraeli bias in VereintenNationen.

The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, had welcomed US decision. "This is a courageous and morally correct decision, because UNESCO has become an absurd atre. Instead of preserving history, she twists it, "Netanyahu said at time.

Senior US government officials have recently repeatedly criticised UNESCO, among m UN ambassador Nikki Haley. In particular, current decision was preceded by a dispute over UNESCO membership of Palestinian Authority. In summer, decision to declare old town of Hebron as a Palestinian world heritage site had caused outrage in Israel.

UNESCO had adopted several critical resolutions in history of Israel, and Israeli Government reduced its contribution payments. The US has already set its payments to organization 2011 under President Barack Obama.

UNESCO is first and foremost known for management of World heritage. But organization with 2,100 employees and a three-digit million budget is active in many or fields – from education to biosphere reserves to equal rights. Their mission is to promote mutual understanding between nations.

Date Of Update: 23 December 2017, 12:02