Linky counter: is it mandatory ? Are there any potential dangers ?

< p> LINKY COUNTER-Enedis ' counter has been at the centre of controversy for years. While some do not wish to install it due to potential dangers, is it possi

Linky counter: is it mandatory ? Are there any potential dangers ?
< p> LINKY COUNTER-Enedis ' counter has been at the centre of controversy for years. While some do not wish to install it due to potential dangers, is it possible to refuse its installation ? When will he arrive at your house ? Is the meter paid ? Here's what to remember. < / p> Home Linky Counter: what is it ? Is refund and price mandatory ? Can we refuse it ?  Deployment schedule Installation of the meter by Enedis User manual How to read a Linky meter ?​​​​​​ Can the danger of the waves Fire hazard be hacked ? The advantages The problems related to the meter

< strong >[Updated on June 10, 2021 at 14: 49] The Linky meter, at the heart of the controversies for 10 years, continues to be talked about. The latest: its possible reimbursement by users while the public authorities had announced it 100% free at the beginning of its deployment. Following an information from the daily Le Parisien in June, consumers were afraid to see their bill increase and to have to repay the meter communicating from 2022. < / strong> < strong> This information was quickly denied by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and by Enedis. The government was reassuring in a press release sent to the media including and explained that the meter will not be borne by users, but well and truly supported by Enedis : "The amount of 130€ of installation cost per meter, taken from a report of the Court of Auditors, is not supported by the final consumer. This cost is directly borne by the company Enedis which recovers it through the operating savings of a more modern, more flexible and better equipped network, allowing for example to reduce the costs related to meter readings",. He explains that "there will therefore not be, as could be advanced, an increase of 15 euros on the annual electricity bill of consumers to reimburse the installation of the meters". < / p> < p > On the other hand, Enedis has also returned on the financing of the Linky meter and gives explanations to consumers. "Enedis carries out a regulated public service mission, paid through the TURPE (Tariff for the Use of Electricity Networks). The deployment of communicating meters is part of this electricity transmission tariff. There is no additional cost associated with Linky. Consumers will not pay an additional€ 15 per year under Linky.""Enedis' cost savings will offset the amounts payable under the Linky investment. Consumers will therefore not pay an additional cost due to Linky, " continues the electricity distribution network operator. < / p> See tips < h3> Linky Counter: the questions we ask What is a Linky counter ?  < p> Linky is Enedis ' new communicating electric meter that will equip all French homes by 2021. Its installation is free and mandatory. More than 32 million French households are already equipped in France. The communicating meter makes it possible to transmit, punctually and automatically, the electrical consumption information to the distributor, which, in turn, will transmit them to the energy supplier. The passage of an Enedis employee is no longer necessary to read the meters, this will be done automatically, and the invoice is established according to the actual consumption. The Linky meter also allows users to track their consumption in real time on the Internet, on the application, or via a paid box (called "remote display") which at the moment does not convert kWh consumption into euros. This allows them to adapt their consumption and thus save energy. On the other hand, the electricity distributor can intervene remotely, without the presence of the customer being necessary, to make a change of supplier, or to adapt and change the power. < / p> Reimbursement and price Linky meter < p > As part of the replacement of all electric meters, the installation of the Linky communicating meter was to be free for users and to remain the responsibility of the network operator. Enedis has already financed more than 5 billion, some of it from its own funds, and the rest with a loan from the European Investment Bank. While the utilities had assured consumers that the meter would not be at their expense, a controversy arose. Le Parisien had finally announced that it is not the public company that will repay the loan, but indeed the users, and this from 2022 via a mechanism of "deferred tariff". How much will it cost you ? < strong> In total, the bill amounts according to the Court of Auditors to 5.7 billion euros, or a cost per meter of 130 euros (housing, manufacturing and installation). The claim was later denied by Enedis. "The investment and installation costs have been fully borne by Enedis and are offset over time by the savings generated by the deployment of 35 million meters at the end of 2021. These savings could not be realized without the deployment of a Linky meter, assures Enedis. "In addition, the deployment of Linky, in particular the deployment costs, is regularly monitored by the CRE, an independent administrative authority whose mission is to ensure the proper functioning of electricity markets.

Date Of Update: 01 July 2021, 00:02