brothers : a terrible riddle

The ARD-two-parter 34; brothers 34; shows the way of a German student in jihad. Correct answers to the why he doesn't deliver – great pictures for that.

  brothers  : a terrible riddle
  • Page 1 — a horrible puzzle
  • Page 2 — Poetry of Arabic language
  • Read on a page

    The computer science student and hero of ARD-two-parter brors, Jan Wilte, at first sight, has nothing of God seekers or even terrorists. In his milk face, with Salafistenbart or without, re is little to read except Boyishness. His actor, Edin Haile (playing in Braun family a neo), born in Bosnia and raised in Germany, is similar in his mimic restraint to his actor colleague Volker Bruch, who in acclaimed series Babylon Berlin Commissioner Gereon Rath There. Only when city's juggernaut swings, Rath's mien becomes transparent and viewer realizes for seconds that re is something else in his figure than fear of not being able to control his shaking trauma.

    The trendy TV-makers do not have same with showing inner movement. They want to go out on big pictures, for which a reflection in actor's face seems to be too flimsy. The way it is currently artistic is called direction: from inside to outside, from actor to depicted. Designers, image engineers, cameramen (with Aladag: Roland Stuprich, Christian Greiner), illusionist of stage, take over.

    Therefore, it is not facial game of Jan actor Haile, which explains to spectator that something is wrong with computer science student. Why does young man want to choke his alone far (Thorsten Merten) in his sleep with a pillow? What did his mor (Karoline Eichhorn) do to him that he could not build a lasting relationship with girls? Why does he take drugs, why does he suddenly neglect his studies? Aladag film are not particularly interested in causes. He wants to go out into jihad as quickly as possible, where wild pictures live.

    The crossing of a young person into a terrorist organization, as IS, this meltdown of all reason, is a terrible mystery to which our Western civilisation does not know answer. Filmmaker Aladag also knows no exhaustive, but he knows about enchantment that can cause an encounter with Islam in a religious illiterate, such as Jan one.

    The advertising siren sounds of a better, more stable life in name of Allah emanate from Bosnian Salafistenprediger (Tamer Yigit), a man who as a child survived atrocities of Serbs to Muslims in Srebrenica. After initial rejection of Ranschmeißerischen recruitment methods of "read Koran" animators on street (Jan: "I am not your bror"), this gentle missionary finds key to Jans's buried yearning for dependable tranquility of ritual and numbness of doubt.

    Date Of Update: 23 November 2017, 12:03