Family reunification: FDP and AfD prepare legislative initiatives

In the Bundestag, a majority stands for a further suspension of family retraction. AfD and FDP want to extend a law that will expire next March.

Family reunification: FDP and AfD prepare legislative initiatives

The Bundestag groups of parties AfD and FDP prepare legislative initiatives independently of each or in order to prevent controversial family reunification. This was shared by AfD group leader Alice Weiden and FDP leader Christian Lindner.

The AfD called on Union and FDP to vote toger in Bundestag for an extended suspension of family repayment. "There is danger in arrears. If Bundestag does not act quickly, locks for family reunification open automatically, "said Weiden. With Union, FDP and AfD, a majority could be created for an extension.

Christian Lindner said to mirror: "We propose to suspend family reunification again beyond March 2018, as long as we are not able to meet people in terms of integration, schools, housing." There may be exceptions in humanitarian hardships or when an affected worker can provide for his or her family. The FDP should not leave subject to AfD, which is considered "heartless on foreclosure".

Representatives of CDU and left also expressed ir views on subject. Federal Minister Thomas de Maizière (CDU) advocated continuing to restrict family reunification. The left-wing MEP Ulla Jelpke criticized plans against it. It was "simply disgusting" that de Maizière wanted to prolong family reunification by amending law.

In March 2016, federal government had suspended family reunification for refugees with limited protection status for two years. It justified this step with bottlenecks in supply of refugees. Shortly before end of two years, issue is increasingly responsible for political controversy.

In failed probes for a Jamaica coalition, Greens were particularly committed to ensuring that refugees with a limited protection status will soon be allowed to return to ir spouses and children. In addition to financial issues, family reunification was one of biggest contentious issues in exploratory talks.

Date Of Update: 24 November 2017, 12:02