Net neutrality: The zigzag course regulates the Internet

The FCC chief appointed by Trump wants to weaken net neutrality. Although Europe has its own rules, the decision can affect the whole Internet in the long term.

Net neutrality: The zigzag course regulates the Internet
  • Page 1 — Zigzag course to regulate Internet
  • Page 2 — 2015 was US decision significant – and today?
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    Glaubtman many calls that are currently being disseminated in social networks, end of internet, as wires know, is imminent. "This is last chance to prevent Remessers from accessing your internet access," says website Battlefor net for example. The Civil rights organization ElectronicFrontier Foundation fears a future, "in cadastral largest internet, cable and telephone provider Überlebenkönnen, while small businesses and start-ups ousted and dieStimmen by non-commercial organizations and individuals. "

    Wiebereits 2014, fight for net neutrality has fully erupted. Unexpectedly, this does not happen: Ajit Pai, by Donald Trump EingesetzterVorsitzender of American KommunikationsaufsichtsbehördeFederal Communications Commission (FCC) had already announced in February that under Obama administration EingeführtenNetzneutralitätsregeln again.

    In mid-December, FCC's board of directors will vote on draft, of Dembisher only broad guidelines are known. For example, Pai does not want to prohibit providers from interfering with data traffic. Instead, y have a largely free hand to encouraged certain services as long as y identify ir interventions. At same time, Paidie wants to prevent US states from creating ir own regulations ZurNetzneutralität and leaving abuse supervision of Wenigerstrikten Federal Trade Commission.

    End of supposed over-regulation?

    Paihatte already voted for 2014 as a simple board member against introduction of net neutrality rules. Now he wants his new Positionnutzen to take back unjustified intervention in DieMärkte from his point of view. In a Gastkommentarim Wall Street Journal, Pai points out that daskomplizierte rules have caused innovative ability of providers gelähmtund a decline in investment in broadband infrastructure more than 5.6 percent. "If today's laws are maintained, millions of Amerikanerauf will find mselves on wrong side of digital divide and Jahredarauf have to wait to get broadband connections," writes FCC chief.

    However, Pai Dabeiberuft to pay wenigbelastbare. Thus, opponents of NETZNEUTRALITÄTSELBST had declared that y did not want to restrict ir investments after 2015. Even think tank Information Technology Innovation Foundation, which abolishes Regulierungenbegrüßt, wants to share diagnosis of investment killer Netzneutralitätnicht.

    No investment killer

    DerAnalyst Doug Brake was able to notice a slight drop in DenInvestitionen, but does not want to burden net neutrality rules, since DieZeitspanne was far too short and too many or Faktorenauf had an influence on investment behaviour. Instead of einesregulatorischening back and forth between democratic undrepublikanischen governments, brake pleads for a zeitgemäßeund of reliable legislation in long term – but US Congress, like three years ago, is neir willing nor capable.

    Notably cable providers have successfully taken action against Sogenanntencord cutters, which ersetzenwollten ir enormously teurenKabelanschluss in USA through a more cost-effective internet line. So many TV content via services like Hulu and HBO Gomittlerweile are also available online, but often dieNutzer have to log in with ir cable connection. If you don't have one, you can still be on vendors like Netflix, YouTube or Amazonzugreifen, but get only a fraction of offer. Provided is an option at all: a vast majority of DerUS-Americans still have only one provider to choose from. Dervermeintliche ruin, which lobbyists of Telekommunikationskonzernevor had prophesied of net neutrality decision, is alsoauch without pressure means of network choke.

    Date Of Update: 23 November 2017, 12:04