ECJ ruling: Pregnant women are not always tenured

Pregnant mothers do not enjoy protection in the event of mass dismissal. They also have no priority in continuing employment, as do breastfeeding mothers, the ECJ has judged.

ECJ ruling: Pregnant women are not always tenured

If a business is economically bad, so that it has to dismiss many employees, pregnant women are not exempted. However, Court of Justice (ECJ) in Luxembourg decided that termination must not be related to pregnancy of a worker. Reasons FürMassenentlassungen may concern organisation and production of a company or be of an economic and technical nature. However, it is important that employer of persons concerned communicates reasons and "factual criteria" of termination in writing, Urteilteder ECJ.

Moreover, pregnant women, birth and nursing workers do not take precedence over furr employment or or use after a mass dismissal. The EU Directive on protection of dismissal for pregnant women only had minimum requirements, judges explained. However, EU Member States would be able to protect pregnant women.

A worker who had been denounced at time of her pregnancy 2013 by Spanish company Bankia had sued.

Directive 92/85 prohibits termination of workers in period from beginning of pregnancy to end of maternity leave. However, dismissals which are not related to pregnancy and which are permitted by law in individual Member States are exempt. However, court also made it clear that labour law of Member States of a pregnant woman should, in case of unjustified dismissal, give more than just ineffectiveness of denunciation as reparation.

Date Of Update: 23 February 2018, 12:03