Exoplanets: Researchers discover planets outside the Milky Way for the first time

Astrophysicists have discovered planets in another galaxy, using the micro-lens effect. But colleagues are skeptical.

Exoplanets: Researchers discover planets outside the Milky Way for the first time

According to ir own information, researchers have discovered a whole host of planets outside Milky Way. Scientists at University of Oklahoma succeeded in tracking "objects in extra-galactic galaxies," it was said in a communication. The mass of smallest exoplanets equivalent to that of moon, which is largest of Jupiter. It is first time that planets from anor galaxy – that is, outside Milky Way – have been discovered.

The galaxy of rediscovered planets was about 3.8 billion light years away, said researcher Eduardo Guerras. "There's not slightest chance of watching se planets directly, not even with best telescope you could imagine in a sci-fi scenario." Neverless, researchers are able to discover planets and even determine ir mass by means of microlens technology.

If a distant planet, toger with its central star, is located in one axis from point of view of earth and pushes in front of an even farr away stern, n gravity of exoplanets in foreground acts like a lens and bundles light – a lightening that Can register researchers with special measuring instruments.

Planet What is a planet?

Literally, a planet is a umherrschwirrender celestial body. In order to be considered a planet according to definition of International Astronomievereinigung (IAU), this must meet three criteria:

  • It moves on a orbit around sun.
  • Its mass is large enough to hold it in a hydrostatic equilibrium. SAY: It's almost spherical.
  • He is dominant object of his orbit, which means that over time he has cleared everything else through his gravitational field.
  • The Solar System

    "My (Mercury) far (Venus) declares (Earth) Me (Mars) every (Jupiter) Saturday (Saturn) Our (Uranus) Nine (Neptune) Planets (Pluto)" – this is a saying for planets of our solar system. The donkey bridge lists m in correct order, starting at Sun's next mercury.

    But note: Since 2006, Pluto has officially been considered a dwarf planet because it does not meet third planet criterion. This is a controversial decision, which will be discussed furr in professional circles. For this re is sometimes a new candidate: Planet X, also called Planet 9, which hides outside Neptune. However, his existence has not yet been proven.

    How planets were created in our solar system, astronomers believed to have understood well. But in meantime hundreds of distant star systems and thus thousands of exoplanets are known, which challenge previous model.

    What is a planet?

    The first exoplanets were discovered in mid-1990s. Since n, astronomers have spotted at least 2,000 confirmed exoplanets. Mixtures are currently checking and new additions are being added every year. Roughly speaking, se are celestial bodies similar to our planets. You can circle around a central star or freely pull through space – just outside our solar system. They can be firm as Earth or gaseous as Jupiter. Exactly that is not defined.

    The planets that have been tracked so far can be divided into three categories: Hot Jupiter, giant planets with idiosyncratic orbits and superearths.

    "Cool Science"

    This micro-lens effect reveals potential candidates in distant suns that might be exoplanets. The researchers were able to calculate ir mass by means of specific patterns in Licheinstrahlung that measuring instruments met. "This is very cool science", Guerras commented on technique (in German, for example: "This is a very cool science"). The discovered planets are particularly promising, said his colleague Xinyu Dai.

    However, re are also doubters. Joachim Wambsganss of Astronomical Computing Institute of University of Heidelberg said Spiegel Online, although study has an interesting approach. However, he is sceptical about its probative power. Not only a planetary population, but also a population of stars could be responsible for measurement results.

    The two researchers had found planets using data from National Aeronautics and Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

    You can read all about astronomy and space on this page.

    Date Of Update: 08 February 2018, 12:03