Federal Statistical office: Butter as expensive as never before

Dairy products cost much more than 2016. However, prices could soon fall and trigger a milk crisis, the Farmers ' Association warns.

Federal Statistical office: Butter as expensive as never before

For a piece of butter from supermarket, consumers have to pay an average of 70 percent more than y did a year ago. Since beginning of September, price of a 250 gram piece in supermarket shelf climbed to a record high of 1.99 euros, reports Federal Statistical Office. Cream, milk and quark cost about 30 percent more each, even cheese and yogurt are significantly more expensive than in previous year. The price increase is evidently from farmers, who passed on increases in wholesale and ultimately on end consumers.

According to Federal Association of German Dairy farmers, however, prices could soon fall again: negotiations on new half-year supply contracts between dairies and food retailers are currently underway. The quantity of milk had risen significantly, pressures according to experience prices, said association spokesman Hans Foldenauer of news agency DPA.

At moment, farmers from dairies would get an average of 38 cents per litre of raw milk. In recent months, it has been 35 cents per liter. "This allowed one to pay bills again and one or or deferred repair. But it is not possible to think of a repatriation of loans at all. " The industry is thus "facing next dairy market crisis," said Foldenauer. In September, association had demanded a price level of about 40 cents.

Date Of Update: 17 October 2017, 12:03