Helene Fischer: German Will 39; s not

When the schlager was no longer taken seriously in this country, Helene Fischer came. Their perfection, athleticism and merciless cheerfulness are real valuable work.

Helene Fischer: German Will  39; s not
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  • Page 2 — commitment to perfect product
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    When I was little, I found Chris Roberts very pretty. But he seemed a bit skinny to me. So I sent him, along with a few caring lines, a strip of Wrigley's Spearmint at SeineAutogrammadresse in Neuwied. It was displayed during each of his 69 appearances on ZDF charts, where he sang half-playback and seventeen first place. I thought, actually live in Neuwied and I hoped he would chew strip and Soimmerhin 8 calories to take.

    The or day I saw Helene Fischer's appearance at opening DerBambi award. She's also very pretty. "Do you feel that too?", calls from high up into audience – Helene usually comes from high up on Bühneund also returns mostly re. So here too. In between, Sieeinarmige makes push-ups and sings her new hit roller coaster. She retrained properly. It is possible to marvel at muscular work marinas by scarce clothing. Sure, appearance burns properly calories. Just as sure you don't have to worry about Ihreordnungsgemäße calorie intake. In chorus she sings of "feelings out of plan". That rhymes on roller coaster.

    Chris Roberts died in early July of this year. Only in Aprilwar Christian Klusáček, his real name, became German. He was son of EinesJugoslawen, and 1944 was denied German nationality. 72 year of a life he had spent as a stateless. During his lifetime, hardly anyone wusstedas. Not when he in first half of Seventies Jahrezwischen stitches of girls and you can not always 17 his einenHit to or, and also not when his career broke into those shards, of which also most of his colleagues could sing a song : Rose War, oath – and car house opening. At his request, soschreiben his children on official fansite, was played during Derbi setting bolero of Ravel: "All were very stirred."

    Emotion is, as orwise only fun, in world of German Schlagersdie sine qua non. Today it is usually called "emotional moment", and Helene Fischer also stages same fitting accuracy as seat Derknappen Hotpants, cuddly thigh boots and cut-out-tops. Once again she finds Bambi for her long-standing Lebensgefährtenund – clearly hip stiffer – KollegenFlorian silver iron warm words of gratitude in "You are best thing that is jepassiert to me". She touches her heart, he expresses EineTräne in opposite section. and departure.

    Helene Fischer must make stirring so purposefully in supposedly Privatenabarbeiten, because perfection of her performance and superlative verpflichteteKarriere do not leave room for it. Their predecessors and predecessors Hingegenbevölkerten in last millennium a Schlager sky, which arched only äußerstknapp above ground of facts of ir fans and ir problems. IhreIdole, y were mselves, with a bit of music and an artist-named on top: wher former department store detectives Nina and Mike, DieAEG-Löterin Manuela, bank clerk Ireen Sheer, naturopathic practitioner JulianeWerding, lawyer assistant Tina York. And before, between and especially after hits, all "performers", as Dieter Thomas Stern called m tirelessly in SeinerHitparade, and whose autograph postcards asserted, LandabPartykeller and pubs adorned, in immediate reach ihresPublikums. At company celebrations, in fixed and Diskokeröffnungen. Andnot seldom y landed in drunken or sometimes in delusion, like ChristianAnders, whose legendary train to nowhere has promoted him to Lanoo in realm of his NeuenIdentität as a dubious preacher DerVerschwörungsorie post.

    Emotion also acts as a home remedy against resentment. The Protagonistendes of 1970s came from all over world: DerJugoslawe Bata Illic, Italo-Belgian Salvatore Adamo, Czech Karel Gott, DerFranzose Danyel Gerard, Norwegian Wencke Myhre, Dutchman Heintje, DerBrite Graham Bonney and so on. But above all Helene Fischer's dark, mysterious Lithuanian ancestor Alexandra, who sang of Gypsy Boy, of longing Alsaltem song of Taiga and of her friend, tree who died in early dawn. As she herself, as tragic as much cried, 27-year-old died in denTrümmern of an accident car.

    Date Of Update: 30 November 2017, 12:03