Public service: Ver. di announces large-scale warning strikes

Kitas, hospitals, airports: in the public service wage dispute, the union is planning new warning strikes. Urban transport was already affected in Frankfurt am Main.

Public service: Ver. di announces large-scale warning strikes

Just before a new public service fare round, citizens have to re-adjust to nationwide warning strikes. After an Easter break, work was planned in particular between 9th and 13th April, chairman of Ver. di trade union, Frank Bsirske, announced. "Assume that mobilization is wide and also nationwide," he said. "This includes daycare area as well as waste disposal and airports as well as hospitals."

In collective bargaining for 2.3 million employees at federal and local authorities, two previous rounds of negotiations remained "completely unprofitable". It is now time to set a clear signal before next round of negotiations on 15 and 16 April. "The third round must be round where blockade situation is resolved and we get a viable result," Bsirske said.

The unions demand six percent more money for 2.3 million public sector workers in federal government and municipalities. Everyone should get at least 200 euros more a month. Employers reject se demands.

In several federal states, re had been warning strikes in recent days. In Frankfurt am Main, public transport was paralyzed on Wednesday: subways and trams remained in depots. Because stand was due to last day, two companies TraffiQ and transport company Frankfurt am Main (VGF) did not expect a scheduled traffic of urban railways until Thursday. The Union ver. Di had called to stand.

In a joint declaration by Frankfurt transport companies, it was said that "especially strike of subway as backbone of urban urban and as a substitute for S-Bahn meets many passengers painfully". This would create large gaps in transport network.

According to Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund (RMV), re was a great deal of chaos at first. "At main station mood in morning was calm and serene," said a RMV spokesman. However, buses in city centre are very crowded – many people are on foot or by bike. In Wiesbaden, too, local public transport workers were called to a full-day warning strike.

Date Of Update: 29 March 2018, 12:02