Regional differences: Germany's new inner-German border

Some municipalities in Bavaria Invest seven times as much as a municipality in Lower Saxony. The north-South gap endangers Germany's political cohesion.

Regional differences: Germany's new inner-German border
Some municipalities in Bavaria Invest seven times as much as a municipality in Lower Saxony. The north-South gap endangers Germany's political cohesion. 9 March 2018, 16:47 Uhr77 comments Content
  • Page 1 — Germany's new inner-German border
  • Page 2 — high social expenditure of municipalities
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    In almost no or western region, economic differences between regions are as great as in Germany. This surprising insight from OECD is in Widerspruchzum claim of our Basic Law. In fact, it commits policy of ensuring gleichwertigeLebensbedingungen to all citizens in Germany, irrespective of where y live. Dieseregionale inequality divides Germany and is a major challenge for politics.

    According to OECD, re are enormous differences in economic power per capita in Germany – in Denreichsten regions it amounts to seven times of what people in poorest Regionenzu have at ir disposal. That re are huge Unterschiedenzwischen north and south in Spain or in Italy is aware of many – but in Germany? Allenfallswürde Here you can expect a west-east slope as a result of long-standing division of land.

    Suspended regions in NRW

    It's not like that. Derwirtschaftliche catching-up process eastern Germany been halted ten years ago. But increasingly, economic dividing line in Germany is ZwischenSüd and north, not so much between West and east. Many regions in North Rhine-Westphalia and in Nerlands are increasingly being suspended. Not nurist economic power re, unemployment is higher, income is lower, many companies are migrating and creating neueJobs elsewhere.

    Why is it so? A common narrative goes like this: many municipalities have lived too long over ir relationships, Sindschlecht managed and spent money on fun baths and or unproductive things. Therefore, you must now save to be able to recover. Even if re is einenwahren core to this statement, it is too short.

    Lack of investment, hard austerity

    One of central causes is dieriesige public investment gap between regions in Germany. Municipalities in sourn Germany invest partly seven times per capita ir roads, bridges, schools, industrial areas or in public Nahverkehrals some municipalities in north. As a result, companies prefer to settle in south, or at least have better conditions to be able to survive in GlobalenWettbewerb. Well-qualified people are turning ir backs on denstrukturschwachen regions more and more often. Thus begins a spiral: fewer companies and Beschäftigtereduzieren tax revenue and increase necessary social expenditure; The municipalities concerned have even fewer opportunities to invest in DieStandortbedingungen and are hopelessly Suspended.

    Date Of Update: 10 March 2018, 12:03