Essen: Dinner table founding round tables

Together with immigrant organisations, the Essen panel wants to discuss its problems. However, the recording stop for foreigners should remain in force for the time being.

Essen: Dinner table founding round tables

The Essen panel initially decided to accept only German as new customers and clients. In addition, organization wanted to establish a round table with city, city shared food after an extraordinary meeting with board. This should work to make Essen panel reach its target groups again in best possible way.

In addition to Essen table, panel should also include Essen Charitable associations and Association of Food migrants mselves. The municipal social head should moderate round table. At special meeting, re was agreement that particularly single parents, families with minor children and senior citizens were focus of Essen table.

Because proportion of non-German clients has risen to three quarters, Essen table currently only accepts German as new customers. The Chairman of Essen panel, Jörg Sartor, justified proceedings by fact that elderly as well as single mors felt deterred by many foreign-speaking young men in queue. The measure had nothing to do with xenophobia, he said. It should simply be redistributed fairly.

The recording stop of foreigners came across nationwide resistance – Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), too, spoke critically. "There should not be such categorizations," Merkel said on Monday evening in an interview with broadcaster RTL. CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt contradicted Chancellor: "It is right to make sure that re is no displacement at blackboard," he said.

Date Of Update: 28 February 2018, 12:03