NS-Mug: Investigations against former wardens of the Buchenwald concentration camp

The central office for the investigation of Nazi crimes has identified five former SS overseers of the Buchenwald concentration camp. The Public prosecutor's office is now investigating Erfurt.

NS-Mug: Investigations against former wardens of the Buchenwald concentration camp

DieStaatsanwaltschaft Erfurt has taken up investigations against five former guards of Buchenwald concentration camp. DenBeschuldigten is accused of aiding murder as a spokesman in prosecutor's office of Tazbestätigte. They are zwischen92 and 96 years old and live in Thuringia, Berlin, Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria and Rhineland. So far, y have been yetallo to accusations.

Basis proceedings are searches of central body ZurAufklärung Nazi crimes in Ludwigsburg. Their point of order, Jens Rommel, said that accused were in "late stage" of Nazi regime in Buchenwald. DasKonzentrationslager Buchenwald near Weimar was one of GrößtenKonzentrationslager in Germany. From 1937 to April 1945, almost 280,000 people were detained re and in 139 external warehouses, of whom around 56,000 were murdered.

With new Erfurt procedure, central office in last Monaten14 has made inquiries to competent public prosecutor's offices. For research, OFA has researched list of former SS personnel in concentration camps Abgeglichenund wher DieBetroffenennoch are alive.

Furr research planned

RechtlicheGrundlage of research is a new legal view of 2016. Demnachkönnenehemalige KZ-Beschäftigteauch n WegenBeihilfe be sentenced to murder if IhnenkeineindividuellenTatennachgewiesen can be.

LautRommel, central office is currently conducting investigations against staff from concentration camps of Neuengamme, Bergen-Belsen, middle-building, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen, Ravensbrück, Fin Flossenbürg, Groß-Rosen and Mauthausen. In addition, research is to be extended to weiterenationalsozialistische mass crimes, such as intervention groups in Soviet Union or "evictions" of Jewish ghettos in occupied Poland.

DieZentraleStelle of state justice administrations to Aufklärungnationalsozialistischer crimes wurde1958 founded. It takes over federal states prosecution preinvestigation against former NS-beakers and bundles investigations.

Date Of Update: 01 February 2018, 12:03