Brazil: Ex-President Lula threatens 12 years in prison

A court of appeals has confirmed the judgment against the former Brazilian president. The judges even put up the prison sentence of the previous instance once more.

Brazil: Ex-President Lula threatens 12 years in prison

A Court of appeal has confirmed conviction VonBrasiliens former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva wegenKorruption. All three competent judges in Porto Alegreentschieden to maintain verdict against Lula and to increase dasStrafmaß from nine years to twelve years and a MonatGefängnis. Lula has rejected Vorwürfestetss raised against him.

Lula remains free for time being and could try to obtain a revision at Supreme Court. But after two clear and hard judgments, avoiding prison sentence is unlikely. In addition, appeal verdict means that he is unlikely to be able to compete in election in October as a candidate for left-wing Workers ' Party. The polls are currently in lead. However, ex-president is still weitereKorruptionsverfahren pending. Lula talks about a political action.

Last July, a court of den72-year-old Lula had condemned UndGeldwäsche for involvement in a corruption scandal. The affair over state ÖlkonzernPetrobras has been employing Brazilian politics for years. Many businessmen and politicians of various parties sinddarin involved.

Petrobras should have awarded orders to construction companies and or companies at overpriced conditions. Diesezahlten again bribes money to politicians and parties. Auchgegen reigning President Michel Temer of Derrechtskonservativen Party of Democratic Movement (PMDB) WerdenKorruptionsvorwürfe raised, several ministers of his Regierungmussten already resign.

According to LulasVerurteilung, his lawyers had been appointed. He bliebzunächst at his feet. Even after DesBerufungsgerichts's decision, Lula must not take up his sentence until AlleRechtsmittel has been exhausted.

Lula ruled Brazil from 2003 to 2010. In his tenure, country experienced strong economic growth, Regierunglegte programmes against poverty and land reform. Gleichzeitigerreichte but Petrobras scandal culminated.

Monday, thousands of Lula's supporters had gone to Porto Alegre on DieStraße. "A choice without Lula is a scam," Sagtendie followers. The head of Left Workers ' Party (PT), GleisiHoffmann, had even threatened to escalate violence and möglichenTodesopfern. "If you want to take Lula (...), installers people have to kill." In Rio de Janeiro, Dagegenseine demonstrated opponents.

Ex-president Rousseff fears a coup d'état

Ex-President Dilma Rousseff Fürchteteinen new coup d'état. "I think coup that happened in Brazil 2016 is not an isolated act. That's a process. And impeachment procedure against me was derEröffnungsakt, "she told newspaper El País. Rousseff, successor and party friend Lulas, was 2016 in a umstrittenenVerfahren for alleged household trickery of office Enthobenworden. This ended reign of LinkenPT, begun with Lula. The conservative Michel Temer took over and led EinenPolitikwechsel.

The case is provisional culmination in Demdas Country for almost four years shattering "lava-Jato" corruption scandal for years of bribes by public procurement. Many managers and politicians already sit in prison. The PT followers accuse Demfederführenden Judge Sérgio Moro, Lula at first instance Registra nine years prison sentenced to lead a political case. Lula waited in São Paulo for Verkündungdes verdict.

Date Of Update: 25 January 2018, 12:02