Catalonia: Carles Puigdemont remains in custody

The former Catalan regional president has been in the JVA of Neumünster since his arrest on Sunday. There he remains for the time being, the competent district court decided.

Catalonia: Carles Puigdemont remains in custody

The former Catalan regional president Carles Puigdemont remains in custody for time being in Germany. As chief prosecutor Georg-Friedrich Güntge has said, competent district Court of Neumünster has pronounced a so-called deposition. That does not mean that Puigdemont will be extradited, said Güntge. "We are now only in right extradition procedure. It is now checked wher delivery is permissible. "

The German police arrested Puigdemont on Sunday after entry from Denmark on Autobahn a 7 and brought it to Justice prison neumünster. The 55-year-old was on his way from Finland to Belgium, where he lives in exile. The basis for arrest was a European arrest warrant issued by Spain. Puigdemont proclaimed DieUnabhängigkeit Catalonia of Spain in October and Damitgegen Spanish Constitution. The SpanischeJustiz n initiated investigations for rebellion.

The District Court of Neumünster justified its Entscheidungam evening with flight danger. Puigdemont live in Belgienund re could be a "considerable incentive" for him, Dorthinzurückzukehren. Until a decision ImAuslieferungsverfahren to Spain, politician Deshalbzunächst should continue to be detained.

At appointment on Monday in Neumünster, it was formally examined wher detained is actually Puigdemont sought in arrest warrant. As this is case, Puigdemont is to be recorded until decision of Oberlandesgericht (Court of Appeal) regarding delivery Haftbefehls. This decision is not expected to be taken this week, said a spokeswoman for Prosecutor general.

The Court of Appeal usually decides without an oral hearing. If authorities agree to an extradition, Puigdemont still has possibility to lodge a constitutional complaint in Karlsruhe in order to prevent extradition.

The background is long-standing aspiration of Catalonia to split itself from Spain. On 1 October 2017 re was a highly controversial referendum on independence, in which 90 per cent of proclamation of a Republic of Catalonia was agreed. Subsequently, Puigdemont declared independence of Spanish region – Spanish government declared referendum illegal and Puigdemont as regional president. He fled to Brussels to escape Spanish judiciary. After Puigdemonts arrest, around 50,000 people in Barcelona protested on Sunday evening.

Catalonia-Carles Puigdemont remains in custody of Catalonia ex-head of government Carles Puigdemont will remain for time being in JVA Neumünster. He was arrested on Sunday in Germany. © Photo: Markus Scholz, Reuters
Date Of Update: 27 March 2018, 12:03