Federal environment Ministry: Germany will probably miss climate goals

By 2020, greenhouse gas emissions in Germany should be reduced by 40 percent. According to a paper from the Federal Ministry of the Environment, this is hardly yet to be created.

Federal environment Ministry: Germany will probably miss climate goals

Germany is threatening to miss its own climate targets. This comes from an internal paper by Federal Ministry of Environment, which is present in Süddeutsche Zeitung. The Federal Republic had itself set itself goal of pushing climate-damaging emissions by 40 percent below value of 1990 by 2020. However, without a "post-tax" at best, a minus of 32.5 percent, in worst case of 31.7 percent, is possible, according to Süddeutsche Zeitung in paper.

Such a failure "would be a significant setback for Germany's climate protection policy", writes authors of analysis. With regard to Germany's international reputation as a climate protection pioneer, this is devastating, it is said in paper.

The reason for this was "a whole series of misperceptions of economic development," writes SZ. The share of renewable energy has risen steadily in recent years. At same time, German coal-fired power plants will continue to produce electricity for export.

Population and economy grow

The growing population and economy need electricity, cars and trucks consume more fuel and diesel, low oil price also ensures a higher consumption in households. Germany will refore 2020 probably 844 million tonnes of CO2 and not 750 million tonnes, as aspired.

The federal Environment Agency published figures in March, after which CO2 emission 2016 had risen. This was mainly due to an increase in traffic. The result has also been a study of Arepo consult consulting firm on climate Policy, which was commissioned by Greens. Thus, higher diesel consumption alone is responsible for around 4.8 million tonnes of greenhouse gases.

Date Of Update: 11 October 2017, 12:06