Poland: Poland's governing party corrupts itself

Until recently, the party of Jarosław Kaczyński in Poland was extremely popular. Suddenly, approval takes off in polls, the opposition picks up. Why?

Poland: Poland's governing party corrupts itself
  • Page 1 — Poland's governing party corrupts itself
  • Page 2 — Kaczyński was perceived as a Western politician
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    For PolnischeRegierungspartei Law and Justice (PiS) it was a shock: DasMeinungsforschungsinstitut Kantar published a survey a few days ago, according to Deutsche Party of Jarosław Kaczyński recorded a significant loss of popularity: Approval values fell by 12 percent to 28 percent. Two WeitereUmfragen confirmed this trend. According to polls, opposition Civic Platform PO (AuchEU President Donald Tusk) is about 22 percent. Such a rapprochement of political camps has not existed for a long time. How did it come about?

    For years PiSeinen has made an indestructible impression. Not only through a new political culture, but also through concrete measures in economic and social policy. It all started with program 500 Plus. The ruling party thus sparked one of its most important electoral promises: more money for families. 500 Złoty (approximately 120 euro) are available monthly for Daszweite and all or children, irrespective of income. The state introduced medicines for retirees under PiS außerdemkostenlose, increased basic pension and lowered dasRentenalter.

    Sławomir Sierakowski

    Is head of Institute for Advanced Study in Warsaw and a Fellow of Robert Bosch Academy in Berlin.

    These social benefits coincided with an economic upturn – but mainly thanks to Derweltweiten economic recovery – and unemployment was reduced to Rekordniveauvon 6.8 percent. It seemed that Jarosław Kaczyński, in a certain way, affirmed a widespread conspiracy ory about elites who supposedly stole national wealth and which one had to nurvertreiben to bring back prosperity to people. The Oppositionhatte on this publicly created image did not have a real answer, so ir lack of attitude could even go through as approval.

    Better a simple vision than no

    The PiS dominates to symbol politics. She understood how to stage herself as a party, to know historical merits of people, to pursue vision of a aktivenStaates who cares for his citizens, and who is a strong leader for a state who, without Respect for losses dieeinfachen people and lead a courageous fight against DiePrivilegierten.

    All this may seem primitive. But it was sufficient to persuade Polish population after Antipolitikdargestellten reign of Donald Tusk of new government. In his time as head of government, Tusk had no secret darausgemacht that he had no vision. But it turned out that it is better – especially in order to reach simple population, to have einesimple vision than even keineVision.

    Date Of Update: 08 April 2018, 12:02