Spain: King Felipe sees stability of the state in danger

The Spanish monarch warned the Catalan movement of independence in a speech before further steps: a situation of extreme magnitude was reached.

Spain: King Felipe sees stability of the state in danger

With a sharp Kritikan of regional government in Catalonia, Spanish King Felipe VI first became part of conflict over independence aspirations in Regioneingeschaltet. With ir intention to call secession Ofspain in next few days, government in Barcelona is putting wirtschaftlicheund social stability of Catalonia and whole of Spain at risk, said monarch in a TV address to nation.

DieRegionalregierung of Carles Puigdemont could, after victory of "Yes" camp in a controversial referendum on Sunday, exclaim detachment of Spain in building days. In spite of a ban by Constitutional Court and also will of central government in Madrid, Barcelona held dasReferendum.

DieRegionalregierung move outside law and have made Catalonia with ir actions, Felipe said. "There are difficult times, we will overcome m and come forward," said 49 years alteStaatsoberhaupt. He wanted to convey a message of peace and DerHoffnung to all Spaniards. Without democratic respect, re is no peaceful coexistence. " Given this situation of extreme importance, "be it diePflicht of legitimate governance to ensure constitutional order and dasnormale functioning of institutions.

After already amSonntag large rallies for independence, hundreds of thousands of separatists went on streets on Tuesday. Within framework of a ausgerufenenGeneralstreiks of trade unions and or organisations, y protested against harsh use of Madridentsandten police forces during referendum. They had task of preventing vote from being held. According to official information, knapp900 citizens were injured.

Date Of Update: 04 October 2017, 12:09