Employment contracts: Dear sick to work than unemployed

Many people are more likely to endanger health than their job: those who are employed only temporarily or as temporary workers rarely get sick than others.

Employment contracts: Dear sick to work than unemployed

It is a phrase that is not as common in today's employment contracts as it used to be: "The employment relationship is closed for an indefinite period." Usually, clause stipulates that new job is not limited, but only ends when it enters retirement age. Figures from Nuremberg Institute for Labour Market and vocational research show that passus is missing in almost half of employment contracts of newly hired social Security employees in Germany – y are only employment contracts on time.

Young people in particular are often starting a temporary job in working life. That is what federal government wants to change now. She wants to make it possible for professional beginners – but also for older employees – to increase safety and predictability in life. Because time limits have consequences beyond work: for example, hardly a bank gives a long-term real estate loan if job is temporary. Also, polls suggest that workers report less sick when ir job is unsafe – even if y are really sick. In this context, Deutsche Post recently disregarded negatively, which only delimits employees if y were ill for more than 21 days within two years. The company thus uses fear of its employees before job loss to reduce absenteeism. This bill can go up.

In coalition agreement, Union and SPD have now stipulated that employers with more than 75 employees are only allowed to limit 2.5 percent of workforce without a reason. Nor should se time limits be valid for two years, but only one and a half years.

But big companies are not doing well, y have already announced countermeasures. According to a survey by economic week, many of m want to circumvent new regulation. Only eight percent of almost 600 managers surveyed would refore create more permanent jobs, report states. 45 percent of company's chiefs want to avoid a fixed-term reason. Such a reason may, for example, be a temporary post after an apprenticeship or study, or when an employee is hired to represent anor. According to survey, 27 percent of employers want to employ more temporary workers.

Or surveys suggest impact of precarious employment on workers. Especially among temporary workers, number of sick leave is particularly low compared to normal employees, and an evaluation of health insurance data by institute work and qualification of University of Duisburg-Essen resulted. "One possible explanation for this phenomenon could be that, similar to fixed-term contracts, temporary workers are more willing to go to work sick to avoid compromising chances of continued employment," study states. Workers would rar abstain from ill-health reports in order not to endanger workplace.

There may also be a correlation between general economic situation and number of sickness reports: Since year 2006, unemployment rate in Germany has almost halved, while in same period number of days in which workers reported to have risen by almost a third. Again, safer job is, more people seem to be willing to krankzumelden.

Date Of Update: 08 May 2018, 12:02