Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook – Congress 2-0

Mark Zuckerberg resigned twice before the US Congress. Twice he worked like the winner. Well, because he realized that before us politics he doesn't have to be afraid.

Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook – Congress 2-0
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    Who does not geschwitzthat, has not played eir. This is name of football and so Sichauch will let Mark Zuckerberg's two appearances be summarised in front of US Congress. When chairman of Senate committee asked Facebook founder of first meeting on Tuesday after two hours if he wanted a break, Zuckerberg replied that he could still go a little furr. It was in power move, who demonstrated to deputies: you can't make me sweat.

    Zuckerberg was missing on both days of enemy. Some MEPs, especially in Senate, did not even deserve seats on Reserve Bank. They, and not Zuckerberg blamierten mselves, by revealing sieerschreckendes ignorance and sometimes asking questions that your children could have answered. The members of House of Representatives AmMittwoch were better informed and formulated ir questions more sharply. Dochauch y repeated mselves frequently, lost mselves to minor venues and ignoriertenwichtige aspects. The previously announced days of billing for Facebook boss have failed.

    It was about important in Senate and House of Representatives: Why could CambridgeAnalytica ever access data from up to 87 million Facebook users UndNutzerinnen? Why didn't network inform m immediately, hates affair even veiled? How much data does Facebookwirklich store and share? How does platform intend to curb political influence and power derWerbepartner in future? And what does Mark Zuckerberg actually VonRegulierung?

    Follow complex questions Simple answers

    All se problems fell in same way in almost ten hours of consultation – only Zuckerberg was allowed to parry m almost easily. Of course habeFacebook and especially he made mistakes himself. Of course, Maninterne has initiated investigations and did not personellenKonsequenzen back even before. In any case, political interference was a problem and thousands of people were working hard to stop m. DieDatenschutzrichtlinien in Europe? "A good idea in itself," SagteZuckerberg. Mandatory opt-in instead of opt-out when passing vonNutzerdaten? "That can be discussed." Regulation through new legislation? "Prinzipiellja, but it depends on details." And, very important: Facebookverkaufe no user data. A statement that you Interpretierenkann different.

    A bit of humility and many evasive answers sufficed Zuckerberg alsStrategie. The deputies gave him Bloßeinen Pat instead of threatened dispowering. That's bad news. UndNutzerinnen for all users affected by data misuse by Cambridge Analytica. As well as for all people who continue to use Facebook – and ultimately or datensammelndenOnlinedienste –.

    © Jakob Börner eike Cooling Editor at digital department, time online for author page

    Because DieDetails, to which it comes according to Zuckerberg, exactly y were missing in DenAnhörungen. Which is mainly due to poor preparation of many Abgeordneterlag. Many of m let mselves be explained by Zuckerberg how Facebooküberhaupt works, ors taught Zuckerberg how powerful his work was. As one of richest men in world would have to go to Washington for DieseErkenntnis Extra. Questions about conspiracy ory, wher DieFacebook app constantly records conversations (doesn't it) met on statements about "emails in WhatsApp", dieLieblingsschokolade by Senator Bill Nelson and again and again question by Republicans wher network is conservative Votes. ReichlichFutter to comment on lengthy events in social networks Frotzelndzu.

    When Inmerein had lured always stoic and polite Facebook Chefeinmal out of reserve, this one blocked, promised, a reply Nachzuliefern ("My team will getback to you") or speaking time was over. Two examples: User notice of a senator on Tuesday, Facebook attempts to soften a data protection act in Illinois by lobbying, while Zuckerberg himself at same time promises to Senate to better protect user data, only landed in Protocol. On Wednesday, a member of DieExistenz of so-called shadow profiles mentioned: Data of people who are not even registered with Facebook. Zuckerberg dodged, spoke of "safety reasons". Questions on this important issue gave Eskeine.

    Date Of Update: 12 April 2018, 12:03