Catalonia: Puigdemont urges Spanish Government to mediate

Catalonia's head of government seeks dialogue with the central Government and has called for mediation. But the government in Madrid immediately refused.

Catalonia: Puigdemont urges Spanish Government to mediate

The Catalan head of government Carles Puigdemont has once again said that conflict of independence between its region and Spanish central government is being mediated. After EU had already given him a rejection and Spanish king had placed himself on side of central government, Puigdemont now tried again in a television address: "I am available for a conciliation process because peace, Dialogue and negotiation are part of our political nature, "said Puigdemont in Barcelona.

He has received many mediation offers in past few days, said Puigdemont. It is now up to central government in Madrid to take next step: it would be irresponsible to knock out bids, "said head of government. He also made it clear: "My Government will not move a millimeter away from its commitment." In coming days, institutions of Catalonia would have to implement outcome of referendum on independence, warned Puigdemont.

The address of Puigdemonts was immediately commented in Madrid: The government rejected mediation in conflict, let it be communicated in evening.

The Catalan head of government had already called on European Union ZurVermittlung in crisis. The EU Lehntejedoch already on Monday on grounds that this is eininnerstaatlicher dispute that must be resolved in country. The Spanish king, Felipe VI, also proved to be an inappropriate mediator in conflict: DieRegionalregierung move outside law and have made Catalonia aware of ir actions, said Felipe on Tuesday, thus striking side of Central government.

Puigdemont also rejected king's statements: "Not so! With ir decision y have disappointed a great many people in Catalonia, "he said towards monarch, who had made no call to dialogue. The King agrees with policy of central government and does not live up to intermediary and balancing role of a head of state, said Puigdemont.

Independence could be announced Monday

In controversial referendum last Sunday, a large majority of participants voted for a detachment of Catalonia from Spain. However, turnout at 40 percent was relatively low. Barcelona had held referendum despite ban by Constitutional Court and against will of central government.

Puigdemont said that as soon as full result of referendum was held, Catalonia would call for independence within 48 hours. Probably by end of week would still be counted votes from abroad. "So we will be acting at end of this week or beginning of coming week," said Puigdemont.

Date Of Update: 05 October 2017, 12:06