CDU and CSU reach a compromise at FL ü Chtlingspolitik

CDU and CSU reach a compromise at FL ü Chtlingspolitik

Under high pressure of unification, CDU and CSU agreed on a compromise on Sunday in Berlin in dispute over refugee policy, which had been raging since 2015 and in election campaign. After several hours of negotiations, sister parties agreed to differentiate more precisely between right to individual asylum, temporary protection for civil war refugees and an immigration law for skilled workers in future.

As is said in a paper that was jointly drafted in evening, union wants to achieve in future that in all people who come to Germany as civil war refugees in broadest sense, one does not exceed a kind of annual quota of 200 000 people. The aim is also to offset number of people who have been deported and those returning voluntarily to ir homeland against new arrivals.

On basis of this agreement, guideline 200 000 will be net value of people who come to Germany. At same time, individual right to asylum should remain intact. This would mean that even those who still apply for asylum in Germany because y have come into country via illegal escape routes continue to undergo a normal asylum procedure.

It remains controversial wher number 200 000 should be explicitly named

However, new asylum seekers arriving in Germany will remain in special centres of residence until ir procedures have been decided. The role model for se "decision-making and return centres" should be appropriate facilities in Bavarian cities of Manching and Bamberg as well as in Baden-Württemberg Heidelberg.

In evening, first question was wher number 200 000 should be specifically mentioned. It was only through decision to offset this figure against deportees and those who were expelled, that led to agreement. In addition, re was always trouble in round during evening, because information about possible solution variants had been carried out at an early stage.

With this solution, CSU chief Horst Seehofer can explain that he has prevailed with his target brand. And Chancellor Angela Merkel can emphasize that individual right of asylum is untouched. Without this message, probing with FDP and Greens would have been hopeless anyway. The individual right of asylum is considered non-negotiable for both parties.

The compromise also provides for a new right of immigration

The CDU and CSU have also agreed on a new immigration law. It is intended to facilitate opportunities of well-educated foreign professionals to come to Germany as immigrants. The FDP and Greens have long been calling for such a law.

The relationship between CDU and CSU had been tense since end of Bundestag election, which was both lossy. Despite consensus on or issues, dispute over upper limit had made a real approximation impossible to date. Merkel now said that a party congress would finally decide on a coalition with FDP and greens.

The CDU and CSU are foreign to most important country in EU, formation of government remains silent, because two parties have yet to find ir way back. Germany is now paying price for hypocrisy of Union's election campaign. Comment by Robert Roßmann more...
Date Of Update: 09 October 2017, 12:07