Coalition negotiations: Union and SPD negotiate on Tuesday

The talks between the CDU, the CSU and the SPD are stalling on the topics of Jobbefristung, health and foreign policy. A quick agreement is not expected.

Coalition negotiations: Union and SPD negotiate on Tuesday

The coalition negotiations of CDU, CSU and SPD are going into a furr extension. The party leaders agreed to interrupt consultations at night and to continue on Tuesday.

It was originally thought that negotiations would end on Sunday. At beginning of talks, however, SPD had been able to hold two more buffer days. Both are now used by negotiators to clarify last contentious points. The news agency DPA writes that delegations had been asked by party leaders to adjust to stay in Berlin by Wednesday.

The Minister-President of Schleswig-Holstein, Daniel Günr (CDU), said on Monday that when he left Willy Brandt's house of SPD, "We still need day tomorrow." But he was "optimistic" that coalition talks could be completed successfully. It's worth it, pursue. "And we'll get that too."

A SPD spokesperson said that union had asked for debate to be continued on Tuesday at CDU headquarters: "From SPD perspective, we could have continued to negotiate immediately." The leaders of CDU, CSU and SPD will continue to advise on health policy on Monday evening. Throughout day, it has been about unconditional limitation of employment contracts. The union has shown "a great deal of internal consultation". In CDU headquarters, negotiations on Tuesday are expected to distilling at 10 o'clock, before re are party-internal consultations.

"The points of controversy are still controversial." Daniel Günr on GroKoMarathon

— Lisa Caspari (@lisacaspari) February 5, 2018

CDU vice-chairman Julia Klöckner said that re was still " usual" in dispute. Until recently, no final agreement has been reached on important open questions in labour market and health policy. They had aware se questions, it was called party circles. It was expected that talks would continue for a long time on Tuesday. This could mean that coalition agreement will be presented to public AmMittwoch. As a problem, it has been described in union circles that SPD chief Martin Schulz must always withdraw promises in closest consultations after agreements with or SPD politicians.

Time limits and health insurance remain controversial

The top round of 15 negotiators around CDU leader Angela Merkel, Martin Schulz and CSU chairman Horst Seehofer had started on Monday afternoon with decisive negotiations on topics of labour market and health. Previously, both party leaders and SPD Bundestag group leader Andrea Nahles, responsible for labour market topics, were negotiating for hours. The subject of non-profit-free deadlines had already been raised on Sunday evening without any result. In foreign policy, arms exports in particular should be controversial.

In health policy, SPD wants to act against "two-class medicine" and achieve improvements for legally insured. The issue was not even discussed on Monday – this should be done in evening. There is a wish for reforms in field of health, but no "unitary coercion", which would be more expensive for everyone, said CDU vice-Chairman Klöckner. However, it is important to reform medical care in rural areas and in case of waiting periods of legally insured. According to SPD deputy Fraktionschef Karl Lauterbach, a common fee system for both statutory and private health insurance would cost three billion euros.

After an agreement on content, division and distribution of ministries to CDU, CSU and SPD still have to be defined. If coalition agreement is reached, SPD members must agree. The membership decision is estimated to be about three weeks. One option could be to count letter-selection documents on weekend of 3 and 4 March and n announce result.

Right to fast Internet from 2025

The draft coalition agreement should have already reached 200 pages. SPD chief Schulz reported that re was a final agreement with European chapter. He spoke of a "end of austerity". This was immediately criticized by CDU-Council.

During negotiations, furr agreements were made in fields of expertise. For example, union and SPD want all citizens to be entitled to fast Internet connections from 2025. The negotiators also want to prevent improper circumvention of real estate tax when selling property.

Wher financial framework will continue to be at 46 billion euros in additional available funds until 2021 is not yet decided, it was said in negotiating circles. However, it would definitely identify a number of additional projects to be financed if tax revenues were higher. According to information from negotiating circles, abolition of air traffic tax proposed by transport experts was deleted again. This brings state revenue of about one billion euros annually.

Date Of Update: 06 February 2018, 12:02