Jusos: Nahles considers the SPD to be boring

The Jusos do not want a big coalition, the Bundestag group leader promotes openness to the party's offspring. At the same time, it describes ways out of the 20-percent low of the SPD.

Jusos: Nahles considers the SPD to be boring

The SPD Bundestag group leader, Andrea Nahles, has warned party's offspring to reject a possible grand coalition in a hurry. "It is spoken here as if we were already in GroKo. That is not so, "she said at Federal Congress of Young Socialists in Saarbrücken. At same time, it called on SPD to renew itself and also to question "self-certainties".

"I do not know what is going to come out of talks that we are conducting," she said, recalling talks requested by federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier for Thursday between party chairmen Angela Merkel (CDU), Horst Seehofer (CSU) and Martin Schulz ( SPD). That is why Jusos's criticism of a possible new grand coalition is premature. One must not "make one step before anor". A grand coalition is "in no way an automatism".

Nahles explained that a new situation arose with failure of Jamaica probes. "That does not mean that we will become booty of failed chancellor. But fact that Jusos take it out when we are all facing most difficult decisions is not going to be. "

"We're just too boring"

In SPD, much has been discussed over past few days about a possible major government involvement. A part of party had previously been rejected by federal Executive Board's categorical rejection of a new edition of Grand coalition moved. The final word in SPD's decision is to have party base, as party leader Martin Schulz said. Schulz announced a member survey.

Nahles demanded a renewal of content and personnel of party: "We are simply too boring, we do not ignite spirits," said Nahles before Jusos. "We lack social majorities," she noted.  The SPD has so far toger for different societal group goals: "This does not work at end."

According to Nahles, "a" libertarian ideology has been scattered all over world "by Silicon Valley and monopolies that arose re. This has nothing to do with leftist politics. "Anyone who finds an answer to this digital global capitalism will also win next elections. I am convinced of that, "said Bundestag group leader. The SPD must question self-assurances: "If we do not bor, where we clap loudest, to ask again wher this is really so, n we do not come out of 20-percent tower."

The newly elected Juso Federal chairman Kevin Kühnert agreed with Nahles that SPD had "drawn too little of big lines in our programs". But re is a disagreement on issue of grand coalition.

Date Of Update: 26 November 2017, 12:02