SPD: NRW-comrades make demands for grand coalition

For an alliance with the union, private health insurance is to be abolished and assets taxed more heavily. CDU politicians warn of too many conditions.

SPD: NRW-comrades make demands for grand coalition

Before meeting with Union on Thursday, SPD politicians concretize ir conditions for formation of a large coalition. The leaders of influential North Rhine-Westphalia SPD, head of State Michael Groschek and general secretary, Mr. Becky Schulze, wrote a letter to party chief Martin Schulz and Bundestag group leader Andrea Nahles, from which Süddeutsche Zeitung Quoted. They demand, among or things, higher pensions and introduction of a citizen's insurance, if SPD is to become involved in a coalition with union.

Even after failure of Jamaica probes, "our fundamental considerations of not re-entering a grand coalition" have not changed, two have written. But SPD is "responsible" about situation.

However, report says that Union is "with great mistrust". In last parliamentary term it had become "fragile in many places". There are also "no common goals between Union and SPD", writes Groschek and Schulze. They n formulate claims from six matic fields. This includes a pension reform with aim of securing pension level and raising perspective to around 50 percent. Moreover, y want " end of two-class medicine", i.e. "a parity-financed citizen's insurance". This has long been one of core demands of SPD. However, CDU is likely to encounter hard resistance.

Higher property tax, no upper limit

In addition, NRW politicians want a reform of income tax, "lower and middle income as well as families are relieved and at same time revenue neutral". High assets are to be taxed "significantly higher" than hirto; A double-digit billion-dollar investment programme for education, municipalities and housing is to be financed from funds thus taken. For this, inheritance tax is a success. It also calls for a ' European social Union '. A ceiling for refugees rejects comrades. With approximately 108,000 members, NRW National Association is largest national association of SPD.

On Friday, SPD agreed to discuss a participation in government education. Group vice-President Karl Lauterbach also called Abolition of private health insurance as a prerequisite. "We will see if Union is ready to move towards a more just country," said Lauterbach. If union does not move, "we have no chance of preventing elections."

The Rhineland-PfälzischeMinisterpräsidentin Malu Dreyer (SPD) wants to avoid a new edition of Dergroßen Coalition. She schlugstattdessen toleration of a union GebildetenMinderheitsregierung under Chancellor Angela Merkel. According to Dreyer words, CDU, CSU and SPD should first talk about all possibilities. "We must talk. And I think it is important to also talk about or ways of reelection and Groko, "she said. The leaders of CDU and CSU had made at Wochenendedeutlich that y hold a coalition with SPD after DemScheitern of Jamaica probes for best solution.

Don't inflate to "bogus giant"

CDU leader Angela Merkel had signalled on Saturday at a National Party congress of CDU Mecklenburg-Vorpommern willingness to compromise against SPD. Or Union politicians, such as Horst Seehofer and Hessian minister-President Volker Bouffier, however, exhort Social Democrats not to put too many conditions for a possible grand coalition. In hour, demands of social Democrats were raised, which was obligatory and where red lines were, Bouffier criticized before a meeting of CDU presidium in Berlin on Sunday evening. "If you behave like that, you must be careful not to overdraw it," said Bouffier. "Those who are now inflated for giant and, so to speak, constantly demanding what we have to do now, I would like to say: he should not exaggerate it."

Germany needs a stable government, but Union will not be involved at all costs. The Socialists would have to understand that "20 percent does not demand 100 percent". The Bundestag chief Volker Kauder also said in ARD that a coalition with SPD did not give it "at any price".

Similarly, vice-chairwoman of CDU, Julia Klöckner, commented. They seidankbar that SPD will move after harsh No. However, she also urged restraint: "We have Christmas in four weeks. Neverless, it is sehrrealistisch to deal with wish lists. " The Social Democrats Forderungenaufstellten, I think, have to do with motivation of ir eigenenMitglieder.

At beginning of week exploratory talks with CSU, FDP and Greens had failed. A new edition of Grand coalition with SPD, a minority government and elections is now being discussed. In fact, SPD had announced after its bad result in Bundestag election to go into opposition.

Date Of Update: 27 November 2017, 12:03