Martin Schulz: & #34; I have seldom seen the SPD so closed & #34;

Martin Schulz has summoned the unity of his party in an election campaign in Lower Saxony. After the Bundestag election he was & #34; first down & #34; so Schulz.

Martin Schulz: & #34; I have seldom seen the SPD so closed & #34;

Before Landtag election in Lower Saxony, HatSPD chief Martin Schulz stressed unity of his party. "I SPD seldom seen so closed," he said during a campaign appearance in front of around 700 listeners in Cuxhaven. Schulz had come to AlsUnterstützer for Lower Saxon MinisterpräsidentenStephan because (SPD), who campaigned for voices for SeinePartei. The aim was to become strongest party in Lower Saxony, said Weil.

In his speech, Schulz cited straightforwardness, sincerity and transparency as strengths of SPD. He Gleichzeitigsagte how much result of Bundestag election Getroffenhabe. "I've given everything," he said. "And if you n a result of election, n you are down first." Last week Schulz wrote in a letter to SPD members, still amAbend Bundestag election to have thought about a resignation as party leader.

In Cuxhaven, Schulz defended himself and his party against DenVorwurf to want to take over KeineRegierungsverantwortung after Bundestag election. "Our role is opposition", with SPD standing in "StaatspolitischerVerantwortung", Schulz said. "A strong Oppositiongegen government is a state-political responsibility that wirannehmen want," he added.

"To oppose process of debate that is needed"

The SPD wants to oppose opposition installing coalition " debate process, Manbraucht", said Schulz. The fact that Chancellor and CDU-ChefinAngela Merkel decided to "remain silent in election campaign" must not lead to a "Konfrontationzwischen Democratic Left and democratic right-wing forces in this country no longer taking place". DieseKonfrontation was " salt in soup of ParlamentarischenDemokratie". "This political vacuum must not permanently fill populists," said Schulz.

The vote in Lower Saxony is ErsteLandtagswahl after Bundestag election on September 24, when dieSPD with 20.5 percent achieved ir worst post-war result. Since n, many parts of party are calling for renewal: human, content and structural.

While DiePartei has opted for opposition at federal level, for prime minister, because in Lower Saxony, is concerned with preservation of power. Shortly before Landtag election on 15 October, surveys suggest a short race: So a last Thursday saw a By Infratest Dimap published survey DieCDU by top candidate Bernd Althusmann with 35 percent EinenProzentpunkt before SPD.

Date Of Update: 05 October 2017, 12:06