USA: Trump wants soldiers on the border with Mexico

Because the construction of a wall to Mexico is not going forward, the US president wants to send the military now. The soldiers should stay until the construction project is completed.

USA: Trump wants soldiers on the border with Mexico

US President Donald Trump has spoken out for military's use of border with Mexico, as long as re is no wall. On verge of a meeting with his counterparts from Baltic states, Trump said he had spoken about it with Defense Secretary James Mattis. In a subsequent press conference, Trump said that y will soon have a meeting.

"We're going to do this militarily," Trump said. "Until we can have a wall and adequate security, we will guard our border with military." That's a big step. "We didn't do this before or at least didn't do much."

In United States, however, border guards are responsibility of Ministry of Homeland Security and not of military. It can only be supported by army. Already under President Barack Obama, a total of 1,200 national guards were sent to Mexico border in May 2010. Under George W. Bush, it was 6,000. A federal law (Posse Comitatus Act) prohibits troops from enforcing law and law as police force in United States. The only exception is National Guard.

A wall along US-Mexican border is one of most important trumps projects. However, financing of project remains unclear. Trump had announced last year that Mexico was going to pay for construction of wall. But that categorically ruled out government re. The US Congress has so far granted only a small portion of money it needs. The President is refore also considering circumventing Congress.

Since Easter, Trump has been increasingly recovering against immigrants and neighboring Mexico. On Twitter, he wrote that drugs and criminals would enter United States across border. "There come caravans," he wrote on Twitter. He apparently alluded to "Caravan of migrants" currently marching through Mexico towards USA. The group draws from Central America every year through Mexico to draw attention to situation of immigrants. Some 1,500 participants want to ask for asylum in USA.

The organizers of march defended mselves against attacks by Trump. "Wher he likes it or not: we come from same continent, and refugees have rights. We deserve respect as human beings, "said director of Organization Pueblo Sin Fronteras (" People Without Borders "), Irineo Mujica.

Date Of Update: 04 April 2018, 12:03