Labor calls oppositions to cover 128 places in the Corps of Sub-inspectors

MADRID, 3 Dic.

Labor calls oppositions to cover 128 places in the Corps of Sub-inspectors


The Undersecretariat of the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy has informed this Saturday of a new selection process to cover a total of 128 positions in the Corps of Labor Sub-inspectors belonging to the Occupational Health and Safety Scale, as stated in the Official State Gazette.

Of this number, 60 correspond to the 2021 public job offer, while another 65 are part of the offer for 2022. In addition, two positions are called at the request of the Generalitat of Catalonia and another at the request of the Basque government.

The final distribution of newly recruited personnel among said administrations will be based on the vacancies resulting from the previous processes for the provision of jobs.

In addition, six positions will be reserved - three of the 60 positions corresponding to the 2021 public employment offer and another three of the 65 of the 2022 offer - for people with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%. .

The selection process will be carried out through the opposition system and the maximum duration will be nine months. The application to participate in these oppositions must be submitted within a period of 20 business days from tomorrow, Sunday December 4.

After the deadline for submitting applications, Trabajo will resolve, within a maximum period of one month, the list of admitted and excluded from each process.

The selection process will include passing a selective course of an eminently practical nature. In order to carry out this selective course, the applicants who have passed the opposition phase will be appointed trainee officials.