We are at the beginning of a disruptive change towards more climate protection

A year of contradictions coming to the end. On the one hand, Friday is forfuture movement is getting bigger and more global. On the other hand, Saudi Aramco goe

We are at the beginning of a disruptive change towards more climate protection

A year of contradictions coming to the end. On the one hand, Friday is forfuture movement is getting bigger and more global. On the other hand, Saudi Aramco goes public, collects just under two trillion euros and is now the most valuable company in the world.

On the one hand, the "Time Magazine" Greta Thunberg to the Person of the year honors. In the grounds it means they have "leading politicians, from mayors up to the President, persuaded to make commitments to which they previously had dug groping". On the other hand, only a half-hearted climate in Germany, presents package. With great fanfare, announced a climate-Tiger ends up as a lowly bed rug. Has not been decided what the climate would be politically necessary, but only what appears to be politically feasible. Because the discouragement was greater than the far point of view. The Person

Claudia Kemfert head of Department energy, transportation, environment at the German Institute for economic research (DIW). Their work focuses on energy Economics and environmental Economics.

On the one hand, the European investment Bank announces plans to invest in the future in any fossil-fuel projects anymore, not even in natural gas. On the other hand, the completion of the Nord Stream gas pipeline 2 will be celebrated. The highly controversial Pipeline is similar to many coal-fired power plants – a "stranded investment", a failed investment, to the comical reasons, contrary to international protests, from politics and science will be retained. If it is not controlled, it will be required a "Carbon Bad Bank" to pool fossilized scrap of capital, and to save the investors with tax money. In this respect, it is entitled to more than that Europe now sets the right framework conditions for sustainable financial markets.

on The one Hand-on the Other hand, the energy debates is a mirror of the global change. We are at the beginning of the disruptive change towards more climate protection. The more successful electro-mobility and the cheaper renewable sources of energy are, the more conventional energy lose its appeal. In clear text: It was the decade of the fossil sale begins. Even the Aramco-success on the stock exchange is, in truth, only the gasp of a dying fossil fuel industry. The arch-conservative Kingdom wants to use the revenues to the post-fossil economic Era set. Saudi Arabia's "Vision 2030" is a world of renewable energies. Not only for reasons of climate protection, it is hoped that it will be a reality, but also to the economy in Saudi is not to collapse Arabia.

in the Midst of such trials and tribulations, the consistent pursuit of a rapid energy transition is recommended. The German climate package is no good for this unfortunately due.

the good news is The Expansion lid for solar energy will be abolished. From 2026 onwards, no new Oil-fired heating systems are permitted. The energetic refurbishment of buildings is supported financially stronger, as well as rail transport. Charging infrastructure for electric cars and the public TRANSPORT are to be expanded.

Annoying, The selected CO2 is:-price is - in spite of the adaptation, thanks to the Federal Council - is still too low to have a sufficient steering effect, But after all, can be achieved by the slight increase in any emission reduction that is better than nothing...The way of a "Pseudo-emissions trading" is also legally questionable. With a CO2 tax, this problem would be quickly, simple, transparent and predictable has been bypassed. Coupled to a climate premium, which is paid out per head, it would have to be relieved – as in Switzerland – in addition, the lower Income. Instead, benefit from the increased Commuter tax income, of all things, strong motorists. The diesel privilege remains. Climate-toll and fuel tax, it is still. However, electricity continues to be expensive; a reduction would have benefited the renewable energies.

Those Details run counter to the objectives of the climate. The Failure is thus inevitable. If Germany will soon need to buy expensive CO2 certificates, it is hot, climate protection would cost billions. But no, the costs are not caused by a consistent climate protection policy, but due to inconsistent policy.

forward-looking signals instead come from Brussels: Europe will bring the Green Deal and aims to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions in all areas faster. This could help the lame German climate package on the jumps. Because Germany must now sharpen its climate change targets and the more ambitious EU objectives. Annual Reviews are available both on the EU as well as on a national German level in the program. Is: tax in the case of Non-compliance.

And what? The penalties for non-achievement of climate goals, unfortunately, are still quite vague. So at the end of the worst will pile up if other countries pay the climate debt, which Germany and the Western industrial Nations for decades.

A legally valid climate bill would be important now. Then Germany could take on – with backing from Brussels – a pioneering role in international climate protection and the year 2020, in which the irreversible climate protection has started a go as a "Tipping Point" in the story. It would be a good time!

Date Of Update: 30 December 2019, 01:00