European Commission: Juncker for transport Selmayrs in criticism

EU Commission President Juncker has appointed German Martin Selmayr as Secretary-General. EU parliamentarians suspect a violation of the rules of Procedure.

European Commission: Juncker for transport Selmayrs in criticism

According to Beförderungdes German cabinet chiefs Martin Selmayr of KommissionspräsidentJean-Claude Juncker, EU parliamentarians have called for an official investigation. There were ernsthafte concerns as to wher procedural rules for appointment of Selmayrs to Secretary-General of European Commission were complied with, spokespersons of political groups of Greens and left imEuropaparlament in a letter to or political parties in Parliament. The process has surprised even members of Commission.

Juncker had appointed Selmayr in last Wochezum Secretary-General of Commission – wichtigsteVerwaltungsposten in EU executive. His doctorate Juristgilt was one of most influential Cabinet Chiefs commission ever had. Many in Brussels see him as a classic "puller" or "gray eminence". Junckerselbst called him "monster" because of his long office hours and work mania.

The procedure zuSelmayrs appointment was opaque and accelerated, Bart Staes complained of Greens and Dennis de Jong of United European left. They asked if Selmayr didn't skip some career levels.

KommissionssprecherAlexander Winter Stone rejected criticism. The 47-year-old would have been able to take over directly, but stattdesseneinem a demanding selection process. There has been anor anderenBewerber, it was said from commission, a name was called Jedochnicht.

SelmayrsVorgänger, Dutchman Alexander Italiaer, had office of Am21. February. On same day, Juncker proposed his cabinet chief as a successor at a meeting, which commission "unanimously" adopted, said Winter stone. Shortly reafter, Juncker announced decision at EinerPressekonferenz.

Spiegel Online reports that Italiaer Junckerbereitsim June 2015 would have informed him that he was thinking of his resignation. The magazine furr reported that EU diplomats had been reported to have Italianerseied aside to free place as secretary General FürSelmayr.

Of four major European Institutions – Commission, Council, Parliament, External action Service – Three have a German-Secretary general in future. "That's not normal," said a diplomat. This could refore only remain temporary.

Date Of Update: 28 February 2018, 12:03