Trois-Rivières: intercepted while driving at more than 180 km / h on the Laviolette bridge

A 30-year-old man was pulled over while driving at more than twice the speed limit on Highway 55 in Trois-Rivières.

Trois-Rivières: intercepted while driving at more than 180 km / h on the Laviolette bridge

A 30-year-old man was pulled over while driving at more than twice the speed limit on Highway 55 in Trois-Rivières.

It was around noon that the police officers of the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) intercepted the offending driver who was traveling at 181 km / h on the Laviolette bridge, where the maximum speed allowed is 80 km / h.

The man from Saint-Célestin, in the Centre-du-Québec region, had his driver's license taken away for a period of 7 days, in addition to receiving a statement of offense of $1,846 and 24 points. incapacity for excessive speeding.