Sexual misconduct in the army: French-speaking victims did not receive compensation

A former serviceman believes that his French-speaking sisters and brothers-in-arms who were victims of sexual misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces were "betrayed" by the Ministry of Defense, when very few of them were able to claim compensation.

Sexual misconduct in the army: French-speaking victims did not receive compensation

A former serviceman believes that his French-speaking sisters and brothers-in-arms who were victims of sexual misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces were "betrayed" by the Ministry of Defense, when very few of them were able to claim compensation.

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In late 2019, the Federal Court approved a $900 million compensation settlement for victims of sexual misconduct, whether in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) or National Defence.

This agreement was reached following several class action suits.

Captain Alexandre Tessier, Quebec representative of military victims and who himself suffered abuse in the course of his duties, denounces the fact that several Quebec colleagues were not informed that they could benefit from reparation measures as well as of an indemnity.

The deadline to claim it was November 24, 2021.

Very few knew

“There was obviously a problem when it came time to get in touch with Quebecers,” observes Mr. Tessier.

The latter was able to claim the compensation to which he was entitled, but it was while talking with colleagues that he found that very few of them were aware.

"There are only 10% of the victims who claimed who were French-speaking," he continues.

According to the CAF-DND Sexual Misconduct Class Action Settlement site, nearly 20,000 claims have been received by the administrator.

“Nearly 20% of CF members are French-speaking. We are asking for fair treatment of Quebec victims, ”argues Mr. Tessier.

Although the compensation of $ 900 million announced in 2019 was heavily publicized, the representative of military victims believes that it is very difficult for some people to open up on the subject and recognize what they have experienced.

Undertaking the compensation process is a way of the cross that is not accomplished with a deadline, laments Mr. Tessier.

“They broke people. They didn't take that into consideration," he said.

Victims penalized

According to him, the deadline imposed to take advantage of the compensation has penalized many French-speaking victims.

"For me, it's hurtful, because the $900 million is a victory," he blurts out.

Mr. Tessier is asking that the parties to the class action extend the imposed period, thereby allowing victims of sexual misconduct to submit a claim.

At the time of publication, Le Journal was awaiting a response from National Defence.